Let me draw your attention to a bit of rhetorical sleight of hand that Republicans have begun to use.  They are claiming that their Obamacare replacement will give everyone “access to health care.”  They’re hoping you don’t notice that having “access to healthcare” isn’t the same as actually having healthcare. 

I have “access” to Tom Cruise’s Telluride mansion in the sense that it’s on the market and Tom would be as happy to take $49 million from me as from anyone else.  Similarly, I have “access” to a new Ferrari, in the sense that there are dealers who’d sell me one the instant I came up with $250,000 (minus the trade in value of my 2010 Hyundai Sonata, of course). 

Here are a few highlights from the Republican plan released earlier today: 

·         There is a provision cutting taxes on healthcare CEOs who make more than $500,000 per year (which I imagine is most of them).  Because really, tax relief for rich people is the most urgent health care crisis in America. 

·         If you let your coverage lapse for longer than 63 days – maybe you’re between jobs, but the reason doesn’t matter – your insurer can increase your premiums by 30%.   

·         After the 2020 mid-term elections, they’re going to target Medicaid.

·         And they cherry on top is that Republicans admit that they have no idea how much their plan will cost, what people can expect to pay for policies, or how many people stand to lose coverage.

·         Bottom line:  if you’re rich and healthy, you’ll like this plan.  Otherwise, not so much.

Vox has a good first take on the implications of the bill (link below).  There’ll be more information tomorrow, after experts have had a chance to analyze the proposed legislation. 

Of course, Republicans in the House are allowing plenty of time for study and comment before asking members to vote on the bill. Oh, wait, I’m wrong. They’re pushing for a committee vote as early as Wednesday. Better let your Congressperson know what you think.
