Now comes the news that Donald Trump entertained two Russian diplomats last week by revealing highly classified intelligence, thereby jeopardizing not only our own intelligence efforts, but also exposing the work of one of our allies in the fight against ISIS.
Paul Ryan said, “Individuals who are extremely careless with classified information should be denied further access to such information.” Trey Gowdy said, “If this conduct does not warrant prosecution, what does?”
Of course, those quotes are from last year, voicing Republican complaints about Hillary Clinton.
Today, Republicans are keeping pretty quiet. Ryan issued a statement saying he’s waiting for more information. John McCain did what he does best, which is express concern. As of this writing, Fox News has yet to report on the incident, although to be fair, they are speculating about whether the next FBI Director will reopen an investigation into Hillary Clinton.
My guess is that Republican talking points will be limited to expressions of concern, tempered with the qualification that the President has a right to share our intelligence with whomever he sees fit. And don’t forget Hillary’s emails.
Remember this every time you hear about a successful ISIS terrorist operation.