A tale of two marriages, proving that one picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump decided to call Fox & Friends on Thursday morning.  He ranted.  He raved.  He said that Michael Cohen’s work on his behalf represented only “a tiny, tiny fraction” of Cohen’s legal business.  He also admitted that Michael Cohen represented him in the Stormy Daniels case.  Both Stormy’s lawyer, as well as federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, were delighted.  Trump’s own attorneys?  Presumably less so.  It’ll be a lot harder for them to argue that any Trump-Cohen communication apart from those relating to Stormy are subject to attorney-client privilege.

But the really weird part of the conversation was the ending, which was like something out of Luis Bunuel’s The Exterminating Angel, or maybe the Eagles’ “Hotel California.”  The Fox hosts were desperately trying to get him to hang up.  Thanks for calling in, we know you’re busy, call again soon, have a great day, etc.  Nothing worked.  Trump was so far into his litany of grievances that he couldn’t recognize the common social cues that he was hearing.  

The signs of mental instability that Trump occasionally displays had been dormant for a while, at least in public.  On Thursday, they resurfaced bright and early.  Pressure from his legal troubles?  Or maybe just a continued deterioration of his mental faculties?  Will we ever know the truth about Trump’s mental health?