There’s a special place in hell for people who keep using the phrase “there’s a special place in hell.”  It’s too bad the phrase has turned into a cliché because it really fits today’s Republican Party.  

The Trump revolution appears to have reached its Reign of Terror stage.  As Jacques Mallet du Pan observed in 1793, “the revolution devours its children.”  Trump’s Deplorables would love to purge moderates from the GOP, but sadly, there aren’t many of them left.  Still, it would be a shame to let all those pitchforks and torches go to waste, so the Deplorables have turned their bloodlust on actual conservatives who have been insufficiently enthusiastic in support of God-Emperor Donald I.

Republicans used to brag about being the Party of Lincoln.  Now, with Trump’s enthusiastic support, they’ve nominated an unapologetic neo-confederate to run as their Senate candidate in Virginia.  Corey Stewart is the face of the new GOP.

Republicans used to brag about being the party of family values.  Thinking globally but acting locally, they’ve nominated a pimp to represent them as a State Assembly candidate in Nevada.  A literal pimp.  He runs a string of brothels.  Dennis Hof too is the face of the new GOP.

Not so long ago, Republicans claimed to believe in an Axis of Evil, and insisted that North Korea was part of it.  Every Republican president since Eisenhower (and every Democratic president as well) has shunned the North Korean dictatorship.  But Trump needed something to take his mind off his legal troubles, so he went to Singapore and lapped up Kim Jong-un’s shameless flattery.    

Now GOP fanboys are touting Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.  They must not know who reviews the nominees and selects the winner of that award.  Good luck persuading a committee comprised entirely of Norwegians to give it to Donald Trump. 

Western democracies understand that the rot in conservative America doesn’t stop with Trump and his crowd of small time grifters, pimps, and racist bullies.  Behind them are the true faces of the new Republican Party: Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin.  The GOP is now the Grand Oligarch Party, even if most of its members haven’t figured it out yet.