Right after I signed off, Robert Mueller dropped another bombshell, so I thought I’d offer one last comment before I head out of town.

At the end of September, 2016, Donald Trump – yes, the same Donald Trump who in July had explicitly asked Russia for help in finding Hillary Clinton’s emails – tried to muddy the waters about the DNC hack.  “I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke in to DNC.”

Now we know.  China and the 400-pound guy are off the hook.  Robert Mueller’s team just indicted 12 Russians for the crime.  Team Trump is scrambling, and Rudy Giuliani was quick to claim that since no Americans were named in this indictment, Mueller should pack up and go home.

Not so fast, Rudy.  Mueller’s team doesn’t leak, but they are absolute masters at using indictments to drop hints that they have an ace or two in the hole.  Today’s indictment mentions an “organization” (read: Wikileaks), “a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump” (read: Roger Stone), and a candidate for Congress, who requested stolen documents from Guccifer 2.0. 

Word on the street is that the congressional candidate was Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican.  Gaetz is a real piece of work.  He’s only 36, but he’s racked up 16 speeding tickets and at least 7 DUIs.  Not only that, but his college roommate died under ‘suspicious circumstances.”  Matt’s daddy, Don Gaetz, is a political power in the panhandle, so Matt skated on all charges. 

Robert Mueller has given us a direct connection between Russian hackers and the Trump campaign.  We’d already learned that on June 9, 2016, Don Jr. met with a bunch of Russians seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton.  We’d already seen Donald Trump himself, on July 27, ask Russia to find Clinton’s emails.  Now we know that later that very evening, the hackers struck.  Either the Russians were waiting for Trump’s signal, or (more likely, in my view) Trump had advance knowledge of the impending hack and couldn’t resist teasing it in a public speech.

Collusion much?

Keep the faith, and I'll be back at the end of the month.