Trigger warning, if you need one – this post is about the Epstein case, which necessarily involves the mention of pedophilia.  I’ve been following the sordid saga of Jeffrey Epstein for a while now.  Two years ago (August 8, 2017), I speculated that a possible reason for Trump’s devotion to Vladimir Putin might be that Putin had kompromat on Trump, in the form of videos of Trump having sex with underage girls on one of his trips to Russia. 

I cited Trump’s now infamous praise of Epstein in 2002 (“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.  He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”) as evidence of his attraction to underage girls.

I went on to note that Trump’s Epstein connection is not the only evidence of Trump being at least pedophile-curious.  His comments about dating his then-teenage daughter Ivanka and his habit of barging into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA contestants suggest that Trump, at a minimum, fantasizes about sex with teenagers. 

Epstein’s recent arrest has opened a window onto the world of rich pedophiles, many of whom were in Trump’s orbit.  Or he was in theirs.  Epstein was, among other things, a pimp, and we know that Trump has happily paid for sex (e.g., Stormy Daniels). 

Speaking of pimping, I invite you to take a look at the archived website for “Trump International Elite Travel Companions” (link below).  The website, which was taken down in 2016, advertised American models for $800 per hour, $6,000 for overnight, and $45,000 for an entire month.  Foreign models were less expensive, but why cheap out? 

There appear to be three possible explanations for this company, which the second link below covers in detail.  First, the enterprise might be pure Trump, lock, stock, and barrel.  After all, the Trump family fortune was built on prostitution.  Trump’s grandfather Friedrich Trump ran a brothel in British Columbia at the turn of the 20th century, in a town that was the jumping off point for prospectors heading to the Klondike to look for gold.  Pimping is a Trump family tradition.  (Justin Trudeau trolled Trump by giving him a photograph of the establishment, called the Arctic Restaurant, at a meeting in June, 2018.)

A second possibility is that Trump might have licensed the use of his name for a fee.  Selling his name to various shady enterprises is how the Donald finally started making money after blowing through his father’s fortune and filing for bankruptcy at least three times. 

The least likely explanation, in my view, is that someone used Trump’s name without his knowledge.  Trump loves to sue people, and he hasn’t so much as threatened anyone with legal action over this website.  Instead, the site was quietly taken down in the midst of the 2016 presidential campaign, but it seems to be open for business under a new name.  Again, the second link has details.

If there are any Trump fans reading this, they’re already doing the tu-quoque shuffle.  What about Bill Clinton, they ask?  Well, what about him? 

I don’t know of a single Left/Progressive/Democrat who has argued that Clinton should be immune from prosecution – if, and only if, there is enough evidence to bring him to trial, and then to convict him of having sex with a minor.  If he’s guilty, throw the book at him.  And every other child molester in Epstein’s little black book.  And whether or not he’s guilty of this particular crime, Bill Clinton has displayed bad judgment with women often enough that Democratic leadership ought to tell him to shut up and sit down.  At this point, he’s more of a liability than an asset.

But among all current and former occupants of the White House, Donald Trump is the guy with the most suspicious track record.  He, too, deserves a fair trial, and I hope he gets one.  If he’s convicted, I hope some enterprising judge gets creative and sends Trump down to McAllen, TX, and puts him in one of those migrant cages.  Let him drink out of a toilet and see how he likes it.